Join the Festive Season November & December 2023 Celebrations

    Join the Festive Season November & December 2023 Celebrations

    The months of November and December in 2023 are like a special book that teaches us about how to celebrate, be happy, and be close to our loved ones. During this time, there are some exciting festivals that show us the way. These festivals are like colorful stories in our book of life. People come together during this time to have fun, say thanks, and make their relationships stronger. From the bright and beautiful Diwali to the caring Guru Nanak Jayanti, we'll explore these festivals in simple words. We'll find out why we celebrate them, how we celebrate, and where you can join in the fun. So, let's dive into the world of these wonderful festivals!

    List of Festive Season November & December 2023 Celebrations

    1. Ahoi Ashtami - November 5, 2023:

    Why we celebrate: Ahoi Ashtami is a day when mothers pray for their children's health and happiness. They love their kids and want them to be safe and well.

    How to celebrate: Mothers fast from morning to evening, and in the evening, they gather for a special prayer. They also worship an image of Ahoi Mata, who is like a motherly goddess. This is their way of showing their love for their children.

    Location: Ahoi Ashtami is celebrated by Hindu families in India. It's a day filled with love for children.

    2. Dhanteras - November 10, 2023:

    Why we celebrate: Dhanteras is the start of Diwali, and it's about inviting wealth and good luck into our homes. We do this because we want our families to be happy and prosperous.

    How to celebrate: People clean their homes and light oil lamps to make everything look beautiful. They also buy gold or silver items as a sign of good luck. This tradition helps people feel positive and hopeful.

    Location: Dhanteras is celebrated throughout India. It's a time when everyone wishes for happiness and success.

    3. Diwali - November 12, 2023:

    Why we celebrate: Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a time to celebrate the victory of good over bad. We celebrate it to bring joy and positivity into our lives.

    How to celebrate: People decorate their homes with colorful lamps and candles. They light fireworks to brighten up the night sky. Families exchange gifts to show their love and care for each other. Special meals are prepared and enjoyed together. It's a time of happiness and togetherness.

    Location: Diwali is celebrated all over India and by Hindus worldwide. It's a time when people come together to spread light and joy.

    Read More: Navratri 2023: What to Wear, Eat, and Offer on Each Day of the Festival

    4. Govardhan Puja - November 13, 2023:

    Why we celebrate: Govardhan Puja reminds us of a time when Lord Krishna protected his village from heavy rain. It's a story of taking care of those we love.

    How to celebrate: People create small hills out of food and worship them to thank the Earth for giving us food. It's a way of showing gratitude for nature's blessings.

    Location: Govardhan Puja is mostly celebrated in North India. It's a time to appreciate the Earth's gifts.

    5. Bhai Dooj - November 15, 2023:

    Why we celebrate: Bhai Dooj is about celebrating the strong bond between brothers and sisters, just like Raksha Bandhan. We do this because we love and care for our siblings.

    How to celebrate: Sisters put a special mark on their brothers' foreheads and pray for their well-being. They also give them presents to strengthen their relationship.

    Location: Bhai Dooj is celebrated all over India. It's a day to celebrate and cherish the bond between siblings.

    6. Chhat Puja - November 17-20, 2023:

    Why we celebrate: Chhat Puja is a way of thanking the Sun for giving us life on Earth. It helps us appreciate the importance of nature.

    How to celebrate: People stand by rivers and lakes to pray to the Sun when it rises and sets. Some people fast to show their love for the Sun. It's a time of devotion and discipline.

    Location: Chhat Puja is mostly celebrated in the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, and eastern Uttar Pradesh. It's a time to express gratitude for the Sun's life-giving energy.

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    7. Guru Nanak Jayanti - November 27, 2023:

    Why we celebrate: Guru Nanak Jayanti celebrates the birth of Guru Nanak, who taught us about love, equality, and helping others. We celebrate it to remember his teachings.

    How to celebrate: Sikhs visit gurdwaras, listen to hymns, and do community service to follow Guru Nanak's teachings. It's a time of kindness and selflessness.

    Location: Guru Nanak Jayanti is celebrated by Sikhs worldwide, with a grand celebration at the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India. It's a day to spread kindness and service to others.

    8. World AIDS Day - 1st December, 2023:

    Why we celebrate: World AIDS Day helps us learn about HIV/AIDS, how to help people who have it, and how to stop it from spreading. We celebrate it to raise awareness.

    How to celebrate: On this day, people have meetings, talk about HIV/AIDS, and learn how to prevent it. It's a day of education and support.

    Location: World AIDS Day is celebrated everywhere in the world. It's a day to spread awareness and fight HIV/AIDS.

    9. Farmers Day (Kisan Diwas) - 23 Dec, 2023:

    Why we celebrate: Farmers Day is a day to say thank you to farmers for growing our food and helping our country. We celebrate it to appreciate their hard work.

    How to celebrate: People hold events and say good things about farmers and the work they do. It's time to recognize the importance of farming.

    Location: Farmers Day is celebrated in India. It's a day to show farmers how much they are appreciated.

    Read More: 10+ India's Most Incredible & Famous Religious and Cultural Festivals & Fairs

    10. Christmas Day - 25th December, 2023:

    Why we celebrate: Christmas is the birthday of Jesus, who is a special person in Christianity. We celebrate it to be happy, show love to our family and friends, and have fun.

    How to celebrate: People go to church to remember Jesus. They give gifts to show they love each other. Houses are made pretty with Christmas trees and lights. Families eat yummy food together. It's a day for being with loved ones.

    Location: Christmas is celebrated by Christians all over the world, in many places. It's a day when people come together to enjoy love and joy with their families and friends, no matter where they are.

    11. New Year’s Eve - 31st December, 2023:

    Why we celebrate: New Year's Eve is the night before the new year begins. We celebrate it to say goodbye to the old year and get ready for a brand new one. It's a time of hope and excitement.

    How to celebrate: People have parties, watch fireworks light up the sky, and count down the seconds until the new year starts. They also make New Year's resolutions, which are like promises to do better or try new things in the coming year.

    Location: New Year's Eve is celebrated all over the world. It's a time for people to come together, have fun, and look forward to a fresh start in the new year.


    As we say goodbye to the festive season of November and December 2023, we're left with warm feelings in our hearts. These celebrations have been like a guide of life, teaching us about love, togetherness, and gratitude. Whether it's Diwali's lights or Guru Nanak's teachings, these festivals are like special lessons in our book of life. They remind us that in our busy lives, we should take time to enjoy our traditions, be close to our loved ones, and keep the spirit of these celebrations alive. If you want to learn more about these festivals, don't hesitate to contact Guide of Life. May the happiness and wisdom from these festivals stay with us, guiding us in the coming years.

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