What is the connection between Sleep Hygiene and Mental Health?

    What is the connection between Sleep Hygiene and Mental Health?

    After a busy week of exhaustion and overextension, many adults look forward to regaining lost hours of sleep over the weekend. However, sleeping too much will not fix the sleep they missed, making it difficult to wake up early on Monday.

    The truth is that you need four nights to get back one hour of sleep you lost, according to a 2016 study on optimizing sleep.

    Sleep hygiene is very important for keeping your body healthy, fighting germs, and feeling good in your mind, but you need to try hard and pay attention to what you need to sleep better.

    But first, we have to understand what sleep hygiene is. So, let's dive into it.

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    What is Sleep Hygiene?

    According to the National Sleep Foundation, "various practices and habits are necessary to have good nighttime sleep quality and full daytime alertness."

    Sleep hygiene means things you do to sleep well at night and feel fresh and active during the day. It is like brushing your teeth to keep them and your body healthy. Good sleep hygiene makes you healthier and stronger to fight sickness. It also helps your mind to be happy and calm.

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    Sleep Hygiene Terms to Know:

    1. Sleep deprivation:

    Sleep deprivation is when you don't get enough or good quality sleep. It can make you feel tired, moody, and unfocused during the day. It can also harm your health in the long term.

    2. Circadian rhythm:

    A circadian rhythm is a natural cycle of physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour pattern. It is influenced by light and dark and other factors such as hormones, body temperature, and metabolism.

    3. Sleep debt:

    Sleep debt is the difference between how much sleep you need and how much sleep you get. For example, if you need eight hours of sleep every night but you only sleep six hours, you have a sleep debt of two hours. Sleep debt can make you feel tired, moody, and less focused.

    4. Sleep disorder:

    A sleep disorder is a condition that affects your ability to sleep well regularly. Various factors, such as stress, health problems, lifestyle habits, or environmental factors can cause it.

    A good night's sleep for adults means getting seven to nine hours of continuous rest, but that is not the only factor determining how well they sleep. It is found that Ayurvedic Remedies and Medicines Promote Restful Sleep.

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    Factors Affecting Quality Sleep:

    1. Nutrition Factors

    • Some foods can change how your body clock works, according to a study from 2016 on how food affects how well you sleep.
    • Inflammation: Foods with milk, sugar, or gluten can upset your stomach and make you wake up often at night.
    • Stimulants: Foods and drinks that make you feel more awake, like coffee and sugar, can confuse your stomach. Having them late in the day or before you go can make it hard to fall asleep.

    2. Environmental Factors

    • In a study from 2012 about where you sleep, researchers found many things outside you that can change how you sleep.
    • Temperature and humidity: Very hot or cold or wet weather can make your body temperature go up or down and make it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep.
    • Sleeping arrangements: Sleeping with other people or in a noisy place can make you wake up often, especially if the others have different sleeping times.
    • Light: Your body clock follows the 24-hour cycle of the day. It can get messed up if you don't get any sunlight or too much light from things like computers or phones.

    3. Personal Behaviour

    • You can change some of your habits to improve your sleep, according to a study from 2017 about sleep, exercise, and other things you do.
    • Exercise: Moving around regularly lets your body use the energy from food and can make you sleepy.
    • Napping: Sleeping too much or at different times during the day can confuse your body clock and make it hard to fall asleep at a normal bedtime.
    • Bedtimes: Having a regular bedtime can help you notice and follow your body's signs of feeling sleepy and control how much sleep you get each night.
    • Stress: When your brain is always busy with stressful things or thoughts, it can make it hard to fall asleep or make you have bad dreams.

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    How Does Sleep Affect Mental Health?

    Sleep is essential for both physical and mental health. Here are three ways that sleep affects mental health:

    • Sleep helps regulate emotions. During sleep, the brain processes emotional information and consolidates memories. Lack of sleep can impair this function and lead to mood changes, increased irritability, and reduced emotional regulation.
    • Sleep affects cognitive performance. The brain needs sleep to function optimally and perform learning, memory, attention, and problem-solving tasks. Sleep can cause brain fog, confusion, difficulty concentrating, and impaired decision-making.
    • Sleep influences mental health disorders. Many psychiatric conditions, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, are associated with sleep problems. Sleep problems can worsen the symptoms of these disorders and increase the risk of relapse. On the other hand, improving sleep quality can enhance treatment outcomes and reduce the severity of mental health problems.
    • Sleep and mental health have a complex and bidirectional relationship. Therefore, it is important to prioritize good sleep habits and seek professional help if you have trouble sleeping or experience mental health issues. Also, ancient Indian education teaches that yoga like Kapalbhati and meditation can help you get restful sleep.

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    Let's recap

    Sleep helps your mind and body stay healthy.

    You can sleep better by avoiding bright screens, keeping your bedroom comfortable, and relaxing before bed.

    If you have trouble sleeping often, you should talk to someone who can help you. Finding out why you can't sleep well can stop it from becoming a bigger problem. Rest, if you want to learn more about it follow the Guide of Life blogs.

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