Popular Customs of India | Guide of Life

    Popular Customs of India | Guide of Life

    Customs of India fascinate the world because our culture and tradition are full of colours and festivals and keep people bustling throughout the year. Now, everyone is following these practices to make their life better. 

    We all follow these customs all our lives, but not everyone knows the true meaning behind them. Here are some of the customs of India and a little reason behind them.

    Read More: Indian Culture And Traditions | Custom, Culture, And Its Importance

    5 Famous Customs of India

    Here is the guide to five famous customs of India. 

    Welcome by Namaste

    One of the most popular customs of India all over the globe is namaste or namaskar. Joining the palms near the chest and with a bit of head-down, Indians welcome or greet people whenever they meet. Foreigners are very much familiar with this custom that whenever they visit India or meet any Indian. 

    Even they greet them with namaste instead of a handshake or formal hello. We all have seen in the news; whenever any prime minister or president of any country visits, they do namaste to the media and to the person who's welcoming them.

    The Science behind namaste is; by joining your palms, you acknowledge the soul of a person. There's a spiritual connection evolving between you and the person, which brings positivity with it and lowers the person's ego and makes the person humble.

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    Indian Ethnic Clothing

    Whenever we think of Indian clothing, the first thing that comes to mind is; Saree and kurta pyjama. These are traditional clothes worn by women and men from thousands of centuries ago. Like India is a massive country, the conventional clothing changes from state to state. 

    Every state has its style of clothing depending upon the environment and its customs. With this in mind, Indian clothes are very easy to wear and are super comfortable. These clothes started as Hindu traditions but elegantly spread across the globe and looked like an expensive piece of clothing.

    Indian traditional dresses vary in different cultures. It started with spinning khadi and then got going. Indian traditions and culture include its own beauty of cotton. India is eminently known for growing cotton.

    Indian Food  

    Adding various spices to make the gravy delicious, so you end up cleaning the whole dish is the basic definition of Indian food. Since it's an essential part of Indian custom, one should know the history of Indian cuisine. 

    Hundreds of invaders influenced like Mughals, brought a lot of non-veg dishes, new ways of cooking. Persian has many effects, but India's primary food is; bajra (millet), atta (whole wheat), rice, and many lentils.

    Every state has its own taste and different meals. Like Gujarat, the state has a lot of sweet food to offer, whereas Bengal is famous for its non-veg dishes and several desserts. North India is famous for its snacks and spicy food. India is a vegetarian food lover, but non-veg food also dominates in many states.

    For instance, northeastern states have completely different traditions than the rest of the country. But cooking it with a lot of spices and oil makes it worth the time. You can find hundreds of Indian restaurants in foreign countries; that's a big sign of how much Indian food is appreciated outside.

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    Methods of Eating

    Indian food is one thing but eating with hands is one another custom of India. From ancient times, Indians used to eat with their hands because it's scientifically proven. Foods taste even more delicious. 

    By doing this practise you can save your mouth from hot food which will burn inside, by fingers, you can check how hot it is. Eating with fingers also helps in digesting food faster.

    Also, to mention, Indians eat while sitting on the floor, not at a dining table; it also helps to digest food easily. And will contract your stomach, so you don't end up eating a lot.

    Arranged Marriages

    More than 90% of couples in India have arranged marriages. This custom of India started from the Vedic period. Parents or gurus select the bride and groom. In today's world, both get a chance to talk, to understand each other and if they don't connect, they can quickly move ahead. 

    But earlier, there were no such things as communication; what parents fixed for them ended up becoming their partner. Arranged marriages have proven to be victorious over love marriages. As a result, divorce rates are less than 10%, and in most cases, couples live happily. Chances of divorce in a love marriage have always been high. 

    For so many people attending an Indian wedding is a lifetime experience. It is shocking to outlanders how thousands of people gather in one place. And how much money is spent on it. To perform all the rituals took a week to complete. It's the most significant event for families in India.

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    Fasting is a vital part of the Hindu custom. Mainly it is for religious purposes. Fasting is to show gratitude towards gods; there are many festivals in Indian culture, which are made for fasting. Men, women, or children, anyone can do fasting, but for women, there are many festivals in Indian culture. Karwa Chauth, Navratri, Govardhan pooja are some of the examples.

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    In Conclusion, India's customs add vibrant colors to life. From saying "namaste" to unique clothing, delicious food, eating with hands, arranged marriages, and fasting, each tradition holds special meaning. These customs bring people together, creating a rich tapestry of Indian culture. Dive into these traditions with Guide of Life for a deeper connection to India's heart and soul.

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